Get A Fast All-Cash Offer For Your House Today

Sell Your Home Without Making Any Repairs. Without The Extra Hassle Of Real Estate Agents Or Shady Middlemen. Get Your Offer Directly From The Buyer Today!

- All Cash Offer - Fast Closing - Direct Buyer, No Middlemen

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RAD Diversified Proudly Supports:

Joshua House Foundation LogoJoshua House Foundation

Joshua House provides safe haven for abused, neglected and abandoned children.

Special Operations Wounded Warriors LogoSpecial Operations Wounded Warriors

SOWW (Special Operations Wounded Warriors) provides outdoor experiences and focused therapeutic retreats to a select group of both active duty and veteran U.S. Military Special Operations Warriors.

Task Force Dagger Foundation LogoTask Force Dagger

Task Force Dagger Special Operations Foundation is dedicated to wounded, ill, or injured U.S.Special Operations Warriors.

We Buy All Kinds Of Property For Cash Including But Not Limited To:

Interested In Selling A Portfolio, Complex, Or Unique Piece Of Real Estate? Our Property Specialists Are Ready To Help.

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Our Process Is Fast & Easy

Lets Chat - Our specialists make it easy. Simply give us a call and we'll schedule a no obligations property appraisal for you at no cost to you.

Review Your Cash Offer - No agent needed here. You only deal with us directly. If you accept our offer. Then the last step is the easiest.

What Makes Us Different? We're not only the easiest way, we're the fastest way to sell your property and can work around anyones timeline. We're talking about getting paid at your convenience.

Interested In Selling A Portfolio, Complex, Or Unique Piece Of Real Estate? Our Property Specialists Are Ready To Help.

Get Your Cash Offer Now

Traditional House Sale

X - Pay commissions plus fees to a real estate agent

X - Tons of showings, then inspections and appraisals

X - Inspections and appraisals will mean repairs, renovations and renegotiations

X - Unpredictable closing - No guarantee

X - Many times 6-12 months before you finish the process

RADD House Buyers

No real estate agent, no wholesaler, nobody between you and buyer taking cuts

People first company with reliable timelines

Sell your home as-is. No repairs needed

No-Obligation, no-cost appraisal, no hidden fees

Get paid fast at your convenience

Real Estate Investors

X - Hidden fees at the closing

X - Shady middlemen and contracts

X - You're speaking with sales people looking for a pay day

X - Smaller companies without proper track record

X - At their mercy, they may back out of the deal even after all the time and money you put in

Interested In Selling A Portfolio, Complex, Or Unique Piece Of Real Estate? Our Property Specialists Are Ready To Help.

Get Your Cash Offer Now

Where We Buy Houses

Wondering if we buy houses in your area? RADD buys houses in California, Texas, Florida & Pennsylvania. Below is a more detailed breakdown of all the locations we serve:





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